Nicole and Curtis met up with us at the Holy Trinity Church in El
Dorado Hills. Curtis was the first to arrive with his guys. We put their
boutonnieres on and took them to the back of the church. We had a lot of fun taking their photos, which included having them jump and just be themselves. Once we where done with the guys, we went inside to await Nicole's arrival. She got ready in a large room with her girls. Because of time restraints we did some photos in the room and went into the church to await the ceremony. The ceremony was a lot of fun for a catholic ceremony, the priest was very entertaining including the congregation in with the ceremony. After the ceremony we did some photos on the alter with family and bridal party and where off to the reception.
We have shot many times at
Sogno Winery and where excited to work there again. A little apprehensive since we heard that the owner was running the show but where pleasantly surprised that everything went very smoothly. It also probably helped that Nicole's father ran events much larger than this for a living.
Upon arrival we rounded up the bridal party to do photos. Because the sprinklers where on we where limited where we could do photos. We found a nice area where it was not too wet and got underway.
Nicole's father was amazing by holding up our deflector shade to get the perfect lighting. (Thank YOU for that!!!) We got the photos done in a
reasonable amount of time and went into the reception. We where excited because the caterer was Pasquale T's out of Auburn and my favorite food in Italian food. We ate the delicious food on the deck while visiting with
Nicole's Aunt and Uncle. Once the food was done we quickly went into the toast. Curtis' dad (also his best man) started off the
speeches. Then Nicole and Curtis where surprised by
Nicole's sister and her Dad playing a song for them that Nicole's sister wrote for them. It was then
Nicole's dad's turn to talk. I noticed that there where some kids creating a little havoc so I called over one of the little girls that was dancing. She assisted me with some of the photos then decided she did not want to leave my side. :) While I was shooting the rest of the toasts she stood by my side holding on to my leg, I am sure to much delight of her parents. I have to say that is was the funniest thing I had happen to me to date and I have had some
doozies. :)
Once the toast was done then we went to the cake cutting, of course Nicole and Curtis where nice and did not smash cake in each others face. While their guests where enjoying the wonderful cake I stole Nicole and Curtis for some sunset photos in the
vineyard. We got some amazing photos including my new favorite where it looks as if the bride is holding the groom by the back of his shirt. Once we where done with that we came back in and went into the dances. Nicole and Curtis danced together and then Nicole and her dad danced together. I doubt there was a dry eye in the house. It was a very touching father daughter dance where at the end they called over Curtis with tears in their eyes and had a group hug. It was then Curtis' turn to dance with his mother. An amazing woman she got my heart the way she looked at him and it tugged at my heart strings because I pictured my son's wedding day where I would be in this position. Once the 'formal' dancing was done they went into group dancing and they partied down.